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Friday, 20 November 2015

Creating a knowledge base or a Lifelong Learning environment. -With conclusion, a personal experience in learning as a dropout in primary six.

DPM THARMAN, on the wisdom in letting children daydream in order to move an economy driver by innovation and creativity


Knowledge base environment or Community
A key element of the continuous improvement, in which members of an organization are taught and encourage to work together to identify and resolve defects and to improve output quality in an ongoing process. Also called knowledge community or learning community.

Learning or Lifelong Learning Environment or Community
A concept which over an entire lifetime, transforms experience into knowledge, skills, attitudes, values, emotions, beliefs and sense (Jarvis 2002)

Singapore have had always been the top in many areas such as in economy, GDP growth, housing, transport and education. Singapore’s education system, have been highly recognized to have produced high level of academic achievers. Our formal education have been supplying and equipping highly skilled labour for our economic needs. The system worked well in the past. The skills to perform work with understanding in manufacturing and service sector in the export base economy.

At present, the system is still admirable and producing high level of academic achievers apart from that it have stifled highly creative and innovatively skilled people. With the rapid transformation of the economic environment that have had transit to knowledge base economy, we are still in the unchanged educational learning environment. It is becoming a huge problem.

The present situation

At present our environment is moving into a transition period. We are moving from a fixed mindset to a growth mindset culture. Though we are in a transition we are falling back to the old basics of formal learning objectives. We are prepared and well planned for manual work  jobs. Our education is the best suited for these jobs. We are not ready for the better jobs or knowledge base work.

Our environment is obsessed in having courses and attaining certificates. Our institution which includes employment is stigmatized with certificates. Our homes are still in the mindset of not learning but educating ourselves in terms of economic remunerations, materialistic wants and status quos in chasing after paper qualifications.

Fixed mindset compared Growth mindset.

“Did I win? Did I lose? Those are the wrong questions. The correct question is: Did I make my best effort?” If so, he says, “You may be outscored but you will never lose.” 

Fixed Mindset
Fixed Mindset have the attributes :-
-          Intelligence is static
-          Leads to a desire to look smart
-          Avoid challenges (look for easier challenges/courses that they could succeed)
-          Many tend to give up easily (looking for the comfort zone)
-          Conditioned mindset
-          Think they cannot change the world or environment so follow system
-          Fixed mindset people stop learning once they reach their destination in the system
-          Aim for easy targets of benefits
-          Ignores useful negative feedbacks
-          Feel threatened by the success of others

Growth Mindset
Growth mindset have the attributes :-
-          Leads to a desire to learn
-          Embrace challenges
-          Not afraid of setbacks
-          Failure is a positive view to learn
-          Wants to change the world
-          See efforts to grow and master
-          Learn from criticism

To know more about fixed mindset and growth mindset elements please do read

Our Education and Meritocracy – FIXED and GROWTH Mindset

These two mindsets can be in any environment but due to the policies in our environment to direct the path of education we have massively promoted learning in the FIXED MINDSET SENSE. Our environment have cultivated to the FIXED MINDSET by mapping learning experience to streaming, classifying, segregating through means of test results.

These policies make many individuals FIXED MINDSET. As soon as children go to primary school, policies, parents, teachers even the institutions, start the profiling of kids in accordance to results. This is how MERITOCRACY system works.

A good read on this Would be :

 “I don't divide the world into the weak and the strong, or the successes and the failures, those who make it or those who don't. I divide the world into learners and non-learners.”
Benjamin R. Barber

Our Singapore society based on the division of the weak, the strong, the successes, the failures, those who can make it and those who do not. We streamline them to those categories. We did that for economic success that have change many times but not our mindset or our education system.

If we continue to have this mindset :-
-          Belief that students with high ability are more likely to display mastery oriented qualities. This is not right.
-          Belief that the success in school fosters mastery qualities. This is not right.
-          Belief that praise, particularly praising intelligence, encourages mastery qualities. This is not right.
-          Belief confidence in individuals intelligence is key to mastery. This is not right too.

How do we change to a knowledge base and Lifelong Learning environment?

1. Are we ready to change?

2. Are our institutions and leaders able to hear criticism to be the first and centre of growth mindset?

3. Are the people beginning with grandparents, parents, teachers ready to accept the new change?

4. Are employers and businesses ready to accept, change to the knowledge base environment?

5. These are the questions that are needed to be answered.

Are we ready?
We are neither here or there in terms of changing the environment. The leaders are trying to do the right things but in the process are simply doing things right (managing). The people stakeholders are not ready for the change as parents, teachers and institutions are struggling to make the change a reality. As for the businesses and employers, the entities led by parents and people who fear change, does not cater well for the change.

What and how is change possible?
Change is said to be in a solid state to a liquid stated moulded back to the change needed to a solid state.

How can we do that in an organic environment?
Policies have to be revamped. Campaign to make the people think and understand should be held, rather than conditioning them like having “priority seats” in public transport must be put to a stop.

We need to have lots of campaigns on understanding the changes and developments. Not those of propaganda strategy or that of changing by conditioning but change by understanding that all seats are priority seats for those who are old and weak. We must make people think not obey or do things by commands or creating policies having posters for priority seats. There is a need to cultivate leadership attributes to the people and not a mentality of doing things by rules, regulations and fines. We need to cultivate people to think and do the right things.

·         Nature the environment
Change the educational policies on streaming. Streamlining should be by interest of individuals rather than the system. Allow learning into motion for technology, designing, creating computer games.

·         Curriculum
In order to create a Lifelong Learning concept the curriculum framework needed to be change to acquisition of competencies, team teaching and a inclusive learning experience that encourages feedback.

·         Teachers
Teachers need to be Lifelong Learners as well.

·         Parents
Parents need to understand the whole change perspective.

·         Students
Develop students and lead them in learning. Teachers should be mentors. Self-management should be encouraged. Learning must not be in fear.

·         Alumni
Alumni programmes to enhance lifelong learning and knowledge base environment. These entities would play a bigger role in future parents that will inculcate future children.

·         Leaders, business people and recruiters
Leaders not just political but business people or Human Resources, should not use terms like “You don’t need a degree” or Degrees are not what we want or need”. When this is being promoted, you stop lifelong learning and growth.

Recruitment selection test should be change to Selection Assessment and clearly explained that it is not a result base but more of understanding individual learning capabilities to provide them guidance and growth in the future.

·         Ministries in Manpower, Union, WDA and e2i or the Tripartite
Must make the changes first through negotiations and with policies in the later stages. These changes must be made in order to proceed to the Lifelong Learning and knowledge base learning community.

·         Create mentors not trainers
 We should all stop calling course trainers and call them mentors. And they should and must mentor adult learners not train them.

·         Create Career Mentors and not Coaches
There is a need to change career coaches, approach in handling individuals. They could be doing better as Career Mentors. They should be send for Mentorship courses and leadership course and even to some basic psychological courses before setting them to handle unemployed individuals.

There are very much differences between two career coaches in two different institutions that at time unemployed individuals who are lacking in confidence and even moral will get psychologically affected by these individuals.

New educational model or approaches

1.      Create a non-judgemental, collaborative learning environment with commitment on quality
2.      Adapt flexibility in approach, creating a new communication skills in different arenas and interaction with a diverse school of thought.
3.      Allow room for exploration and failure in order to increase confidence not only to the individual but to the culture perspective.
4.      Create entrepreneurial and innovative school of thought in the culture and community.
5.      Allow ideas to flow without discrimination.
6.      Integrate all learning platforms including those of adult learning to give better choices and interest in lifelong learning.

We would be able to move forward with confidence to the society in its abilities to learn. We must give both the younger and the older people to be mingling together without prejudice and judgemental and learn to understand one another with diverse interaction to learn.

Personal experience in learning.
Learning experience
In my time teachers simply were result oriented. We were beaten by rulers, dusters made to stand on chairs and tables. I feared going to school. The environment back than was such that it discouraged me from wanting to learn and simply learning to produce the result that teacher expect. I remembered studying hard for one objective, not to stay back in primary school to be punished by teacher(s).

I love art subjects, literature or reading in primary school. I also love playing or physical exercise which had football.

Bullied in primary school
I always got bullied and had my lunch money taken away from me. Get beaten up by bullies and due to reason that teacher beat me in classes, I was the bulk of abuses from the kids as well.

The bullying stopped when I was playing football in primary four. Since I was good at football, the older boys who stayed back a year or two protected me. I still remember their names and faces because they made my life better in school.

I was good in certain subjects like in English, literature, reading, composition writing. I was not good in maths or Tamil. And these were the subjects that I feared attending classes as the teachers would hit me with metal rulers and dusters on my hands and head. It was replicated by the other kids when they bullied me.

Secondary school
Since I was found to be good in sports, I made lots of friends and there was no bullying. I was put in a class where there was only Indian students for the reason that it was easy to administer process for Tamil classes.

It was in this environment we found bias even race related situation. In any case my results which was good in the final year but terrible in the mid-year and preliminary test combined made me a failure. I was then posted to VITB.

VITB was a better place. I was doing well in soccer, athletics, English and even Maths. I was good at theories of technical subject but was not well interested in doing it. The environment also encourage sports and that was a reason I love to go to school

Continuation of Education after Army (National Service)
As I came out of army it was a year of recession and so I worked in the construction site in the day and took up night classes. Attending secondary one to N and O levels.

After completing my O levels I worked in a manufacturing company as a costing accounts assistant. As the environment was changing into IT, I took up Computer Science course and attained a diploma. In the events I took up Business Administration and other courses.

 Graduate Degree Loughborough University in 2012.
In 2012, I graduated from Loughborough University held by PSB. The course open up many ideas, issues and solutions. My learning process was extremely good as I not only learned from books but from real experiences too. My knowledge has greatly advanced but there are lots more to learn.

Education System
If the education system did not have selective streaming as earlier on like when my cousins before, who simply failed every class from Primary six to Secondary three and doing well in Secondary four going on to be aircraft engineers and ship builders, I could have done better too.

The environment and policies simply change as I went through my learning experience and I had to go through the norm that was created. It was needed at the time in its perspective.

As time went on we have to change to a knowledge base and lifelong learning environment and our community need to grow out of the mindset that learning stops at the end of getting a degree. The education system, policies, parent mindset, teachers mindset, leaders mindset including business entrepreneurs and employability mindset must be ready to accept the changes ahead to cultivate the culture of knowledge base and lifelong learning environment and community.  


Is meritocracy outmoded in a knowledge-based economy?

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COMMENT: Future-proofing Singapore for the knowledge economy


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Information Management for the Intelligent Organization:
Roles and Implications for the Information Professions
Paper presented at the 1995 Digital Libraries Conference, March 27-28, 1995, Singapore


The problem with Singapore’s education system
By Belmont Lay | The Flipside – Mon, Feb 6, 2012

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